GOOD NEWS. If you enjoyed the dinner at Brother John’s last year, you’ll enjoy a similar feast and celebration this year. We’ve already locked in the venue for Friday, November 22.
The dinner is open to cyclists, friends and family and all Rotarians until we are full. A cash bar will be available at 5:00 PM and dinner will be served at 6:00. The buffet menu includes a vegetarian option. Although we expected inflation to hit our costs, Unlike many companies lately, Brother John’s.has limited their increase and so we can offer dinner at $50, only a slight increase from last year’s price point.
If you’ve joined us for the dinner in the past, you know it is lots of fun with some short talks, lots of cool door prizes, and lots of time for fellowship and reunion.
You can pay for up to 5 people. If paying for more than one person, please send an email with the names of your additional guests.